Features: John Deere tractors and lawn equipment
Contact: Eric Akerley, 845-707-1483
Facebook: nrama
The Neversink Rondout Antique Machinery Association will have its 15th annual Tractor Show & Swap Meet from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 20-21 at the Grahamsville Fairgrounds on Route 55.
Events will include a garden tractor pull, antique engines and tractors, antique and classic cars and trucks, a chicken barbecue, a country DJ, children’s pedal tractor rides, games, a free toy raffle for kids, tractor bingo, chain-saw carving demonstrations, craft vendors and flea market, an 1896 working shingle mill that the club has restored, a train ride for children that the club has built, and many other activities. The Grahamsville Rod & Gun Club will have a display as well.
Admission is $3 per carload. For more information, go to neversinkantiquetractor.com.