Feature: John Deere
Slow Race and tractor games Sunday at 1:00 PM
SEATP Inc. tractor pull Saturday at 10 AM
Annual Minnesota state corn husking contest Saturday
There will be a parade showing off all the tractors and farm equipment. We will also have farm toys on display and for sale. The country store will be open along with the flea market.
Come watch and join in on corn shelling, threshing, corn binding and potato digging. We will also demonstrate silo filing, rope making and plowing.
We will hold an annual tractor pedal pull, with prizes. Trophies will be handed out for 1st through 3rd place! There will also be bounce houses for the little ones.
Contact: Dwain Gerken, 612-859-6655
email: [email protected]
Facebook: Corn Shredding Autumn Harvest Days